So so thankful...

Even though 2020 has not been what any of us expected or wished for- I still feel like it’s so important to be thankful and gracious for what we do have. I took some quiet time this morning to truly reflect on what I am SO grateful for this Thanksgiving.

  1. my kids’ relationship: I didn’t know what to expect when we had a boy and a girl. I have all sisters and Chris has all brothers- so one of each kinda threw us both for a loop. I just wanted them to get along. I never could have dreamed they’d have the relationship they have. These two are seriously best friends. I have no doubts that when Soph leaves for college- Luke will be crushed. I can already picture them dancing together on the dance floor at each other’s weddings. They miss each other when they’re apart, they defend each other to the end, and they make each other laugh non stop. They drive me freaking crazy when they gang up on me, or make endless stupid tik-toks together, but I am SO thankful for their relationship.

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2. my always rational husband:  if you know me on a personal level at all- you surely have thought at one point or another that I can get a little dramatic.  Or overthink things.  Or worry about situations and scenarios that haven’t even happened yet:(. TOTALLY an overthinker.  Somehow God brought me the most amazing, level-headed, rational man.  My husband is notorious for not saying much- but the few words he says are always like spot.on.  He’s such a yin/yang force in my life and has saved me from digging myself deeper more times than I can count.  

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3. my daughter and I’s relationship:  I know that every book you read recommends against having such a close relationship with your daughter until later in life- but frankly, I don’t care what the book says.  We’ve always been close- but when the country shut down in March, and a few weeks later- she experienced her first heartbreak- we spent hours (and I mean HOURS) driving around talking her through it and trying to heal her heart.  I’d like to think that all those hours driving- we pieced it back together a bit.  We’re closer now than ever and I am so grateful.  She is open and honest with me- and we can talk through the crappy parts about being a teenager and I can encourage her to hold true to who she is and eventually the right one will come along.  I can help her recognize how lucky she is to have all the blessings she does.  She knows that I am her biggest cheerleader- and she’s equally as supportive of me.   She is such a fantastic kid with a goal-minded, driven spirit and the hugest heart.  I am so proud of her.

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4. my son’s personality:  Sophie and were talking the other day that I cannot get mad at Luke.  She’s not wrong.  This kid.  He’s just SO funny.  And he just doesn’t take life too seriously.  He’s SO good for me as I have the opposite problem.  The other day I got upset at him- and when I tried to talk sternly to him, he just giggled.  And I couldn’t help it.  I started giggling too.  He honestly is a great kid and trust me- if he ever did something I’d kick his butt I promise- but man, on a day to day basis, this kid does nothing but make me laugh.  I adore him.

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5. a text thread:  for about 6 years straight, there’s a text thread between myself and three other mommas.  We met when our boys starting play ball together eons ago- and these women are my sanity.  They are funny, sarcastic- we talk through everything.   They are proof to me that friends don’t have to be people you are physically with all the time.  I don’t think the four of us have ever gone even to dinner together.  But I can’t imagine my life without them:). Friendship shouldn’t be ‘hard’ or work. And with them- it never is.

6. my best friends: I hope everyone has a best friend (or a few) who truly knows everything about you- the good, the bad, the ugly. I have a few special friends who are ALWAYS there for me. When something good happens, I want to tell them. When something bad happens, I want to tell them. They love my kids like their own and I love them so much. Again, I don’t even have a picture with them- but they are the most amazing women.

7. the forgiveness and acceptance of my students and staff at WCHS: I had no idea what it would be like going back to teaching after 13 years. So much has changed. And while my school has done an amazing job- they have bigger fish to fry this year than worry about all of the dumb questions of a new teacher. As a result- even though I’m trying my best- I imagine I’ve messed up a time or two- taught a lame lesson- filled out a paper wrong- you name it. My kids are rockstars. They are so good to me- and I am so grateful for them. My instructional aides are so ridiculously good. They know these kids and this school and their stuff SO well. My co-workers are some of the most fun and talented teachers I’ve ever known. My administration is CRAZY good at what they do. Beyond running a school so well through a pandemic- they genuinely care about us. I can’t count the number of times they’ve stopped in my room just to say hi or check on me. They leave gifts in our mailbox. They are so appreciative. And I appreciate it:). But my students. Isn’t it funny that the kids who often are the most judged and least appreciated are the ones that judge the least and appreciate the most. I cherish them.

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8. my clients:  what can I say.  My clients are the best.  My couples are the absolute sweetest and always so grateful.  My families and seniors literally drug me out of the trenches this summer and fall.  This little business would be nothing without my incredible, supportive clients and I love that I get to be a part of your lives!


9. whoever invented the podcast: I drive. A LOT. Podcasts are literally life. They entertain me, they educate me, they make me laugh, they make me cry. I absolutely love podcasts and am super grateful to the genius who invented them.

10. my kids’ coaches: somehow, my kids were blessed with THE.MOST.AMAZING.COACHES. For a sports family- we were in it no matter what. A bad coach can take something you love and quickly make you hate it. I’m so thankful for coaches who push my kids, but love them. I know your job is thankless and underpaid and hard- but I am so grateful for the work you put into my kiddos. Mo, David, Eddie, Beth, Stein, Jeff, Scott, Pat- THANK YOU. And to my favorite coach- always in the stands, always rehashing the game, always there- my DAD. Love you:)

11. growing up in a small town: I love Washington- don’t get me wrong (minus the dumb mural= #why?). But sometimes I wish we were raising our kids in a small town. I loved growing up in Monticello. I loved being a part of a school where I could be a part of everything. I love that when I go back, people still remember me. There’s just something about small towns- and I’m so so thankful I got to grow up in one. kids’ friends: I’m not naive enough to know how much of an impression friends can have on a kid. Thankfully, this is a worry I don’t have. My kids’ friends are amazing. I’m so grateful that Sophie has the best group of girl friends who are sweet, fun, and have the same values as her. I’m so grateful Luke is a kid who could care less about being in the ‘popular’ crowd- and just wants friends that are nice. And he got them. These kids feel like a part of our family with as much as we see them- and we would have it no other way!! Love our second set of kids like my own:) (all not pictured)

13. my small business tribe: suffice it to say that owning a business, especially one in 2020 that is event-focused, has not been easy. The people in this industry, and small business in general, are a force to be reckoned with. We’re all driven dreamers- and I love having people who understand me. I pray for each of them during these times and my heart breaks when I see a social media post where someone has been questioned or attacked when we are truly just trying to do our best. I love these people and the good they do for communities is unmeasurable.

14. country music: silly, I know- but music is my soul. And especially country music. It can make me happy or cry in a heartbeat. Don't get me wrong- I love a little dance rap when it turns up at a wedding too- but if I’m in my feels- it’s always country. I would never want to live a life without music.

15. infertility science: I have a friend who is on her journey through infertility right now- and it’s heart wrenching for me to relive. It took YEARS of failed attempts to have both of my kids. I don’t like to dwell on it- but it was absolutely one of the darkest, saddest times of my life. A young teacher whose dream my entire life was to be a mom was just.not.happening. We were doing everything we could- while still sticking within the ‘limits’ of our religion- and it was so.incredibly.hard. But I cannot be more grateful for the two amazing kids it brought me. I’m so thankful for that science= and for my friend, I’m praying for you:)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope you take some time today to reflect on what you’re truly grateful for in your lives:). God is SO good.  Corona is not.  But God is good:)